Culture Shock

Hi! I am so thrilled to be able to be teaching this class this Summer 2011 at the Universidad de Morelia!
I have left some information here for my students and hopefully we will be able to use all the great resources technology provides us to get the most out of this class! And please make sure you follow this blog with the "Friend Connect" option since I will be using it to post important information about the class. See you in class!

Syllabus Module IV 

For Module V we will use the following elements to discuss Culture Shock.
  • Poem
  • Story
  • Article
  • Movie

Calender *                (*subject to change)
1 de julio
Poema “Remember”
Pelicula “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”
Lectura John Condon, discusión de diferencias culturales y sensibilidad
2 de julio
Discusion película
Terminar “Big Fat Greek Wedding”
Lectura Ambrose Flack
Descusion y redaccion de analisis
Dejar tarea de trabajo de investigación de entrevistar extranjeros y mexicanos acerca de diferencias culturales
Tarea: ensayo escrito
8 de julio
Repaso de temas de semana anterior, entrega de ensayos
Presentaciones orales
Debate “The Barbecue”
9 de julio
Presentaciones orales
Debate “The Barbecue”
Your grade will be calculated using the following criteria
  • Oral Report 30%
  • Debate 15%
  • Written Report (Essay) 20%
  • Participation 15%
  • Exam 20%
If you have any questions or doubts don't hesitate to contact me! You can leave a comment here or email me