jueves, 16 de junio de 2011

Resources for ESL teachers and students in Mexico

If you are looking for some interactive, online resources for ESL teachers and students, the Benjamin Franklin Library in Mexico City has a lot to offer! You can check out the webchats using this link:
Webchats Benjamin Franklin Library

You can visit their website at:

Or drop in if you are in Mexico City, the address is Liverpool 31, Col. Juárez C.P. 06600, México, D.FTels.: 55-92-34-83

*Note to language center coordinators: When I was coordinating the  C.A.A.D.I at the University of Guanajuato's Physics Institute back in 2007, the Embassy of the United States donated a lot of usefull material (the only Embassy of those that I wrote to that donated anything I might add). Check them out and ask! 

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