jueves, 14 de julio de 2011

Journalists: Today's Hereos?

Who are our hereos today? With so many ideologies, religions, ways of thinking, someone's hero can be another person's nemesis. The media plays a large role in the way people percieve who is a hero and who is a criminal. A current example of this hero/nemesis identity placed on one person: Julian Assange. Julian Assange is the founder of wikileaks.org and at the center of much contraversy as to the role of media in international politics and the world in general. Here is a video of a recent discussion between Julian Assage, philosopher Slavoj Zizek and American journalist, Amy Goodman at the Frontline Club in London.

What do you think about the role of journalists in today's world and how does that role relate to what "we" consider to be a hero? Leave your comments below!

5 comentarios:

  1. I guess it's very important the role of the journalists in our world because their mision is to give the tools and information to know what it´s happening around the world and what it´s happening in the society that we live.
    I think that the journalists are in a certain way heroes because they put in risk their physic integrity and sometimes they could be hated for all the important information that they give the people. Sometimes Journalists find very delicate information and can upset people with power that can be discovered by some mistake or crime.

  2. Thank you Tatiana for your comments! Journalists most definitely risk their physical integrity, as you say, and can become the target of powerful people as we see happen in Mexico today. I hope you will continue to follow my blog!

  3. i think journalists are heroes because they give the iformation to the society around the world everyday, By journalists, we are all aware of the information on each site, including your profession is dangerous, for example here in Mexico, which is the most unsafe country for journalists.
    However, if we love our country or place where we live, the journalist can do their job

  4. I think the journalist's work is very important and unfortunately in our culture is not given the recognition it deserves because most people think that doctors, engineers and so on. are the people who deserve our recognition and respect and should not be so because the reporter is responsible for transmitting the information society all the events that happen day after day, risking their integrity and security changes that people are aware of what happens, in my opinion journalists are heroes.

  5. YUNUÉN: In my opinion the role the journalism is very complicated, in teory the journalism should be objetive and including all the opinions about for example "indigenous people", but in realy exist more subjetive because each individual see only one or two edges the problem o the topic.Namely the periodist are subjetives.
    In Mexico in my opinion doesn´t exist the exatly idea that heroe, because only know the history part that the one group the persons decide is part important in this history. So i can´t speak the journalism with heroe.
